1 /**
2   A few example programs using texit. Just run `dub build` with one of the follwing versions to see them
3   $(LIST
4     * HelloWorld
5     * RandomCharacters
6     * ScrollingZooming
7     * AudioExample
8   )
9 */
10 module texit.app;
12 import texit;
14 version = ImageExample;
16 version(HelloWorld) {
17   // Texit will automatically add a main to your program
18   //           charmap file,         char size,  scale, world width, world height, screen width, screen height, title
19   mixin Texit!("qbicfeet_10x10.png",  10,        2,     64,          32,           64,           32,            "Hello World");
21   void setup() {
22     // create a new "event", events have a start and end time both in seconds.
23     // TextEvent draws text to the screen at the start and removes it at the end
24     // using infinity here tells it to never disappear
25     //                  start, end,            location,    string
26     queue(new TextEvent(0,     float.infinity, Point(0, 0), "Hello, World!"));
27   }
28 }
30 version(RandomCharacters) {
31   mixin Texit!("qbicfeet_10x10.png", 10, 2, 64, 32, 64, 32, "Random Characters");
33   void setup() {
34     import std.random;
35     float[3] randColor() {
36       return [uniform01, uniform01, uniform01];
37     }
38     // loop over all characters in the world
39     for(int i = 0; i < WORLD_WIDTH; i++) {
40       for(int j = 0; j < WORLD_HEIGHT; j++) {
41         // add a textevent for each of them
42         float start = uniform01*2;
43         float end = start+2+uniform01*2;
44         // textevent has another constructor, allowing you to specify foreground and background colors
45         // colors are represented as a float[3]
46         // these text events have a non-infinity end time, so they'll disappear a bit after they appear
47         queue(new TextEvent(start, end, Point(i, j), randColor, randColor, ""~cast(char)uniform(0, 255)));
48       }
49     }
50   }
51 }
53 version(ScrollingZooming) {
54   mixin Texit!("qbicfeet_10x10.png", 10, 2, 128, 64, 64, 32, "Scrolling & Zooming");
56   void setup() {
57     import std.random;
58     // colors are represented by float[3]
59     float[3] randColor() {
60       return [uniform01, uniform01, uniform01];
61     }
62     // random string the size of WORLD_WIDTH
63     string randString() {
64       string s = "";
65       for(int i = 0; i < WORLD_WIDTH; i++) {
66         char c = cast(char)uniform(0, 255);
67         s ~= c == '\n' ? ' ' : c;
68       }
69       return s;
70     }
71     Vector start = Vector(0, 0); 
72     translation = start; // set initial translation without an event
73     // create rows
74     for(int i = 0; i < WORLD_HEIGHT; i++)
75       queue(new TextEvent(0, float.infinity, Point(0, i), randColor, randColor, randString));
76     // start translating & zooming at time 1
77     queue(new TranslationEvent(1, 10, start, Vector(WIDTH*1.5, HEIGHT*1.5, 0), easing!"easeOutBack"));
78     queue(new ZoomEvent(1, 10, 1, 4, easing!"easeInOutCubic"));
79   }
80 }
82 version(AudioExample) {
83   mixin Texit!("qbicfeet_10x10.png", 10, 2, 128, 64, 64, 32, "Audio Example");
85   float beat(float v) {
86     enum ms = 60f/140f; // song is at 140bpm
87     return v*ms;
88   }
90   void setup() {
91     import std.random;
92     float[3] randColor() {
93       return [uniform01, uniform01, uniform01];
94     }
95     offset = 0; // set offset /before/ you play the audio (here it's 0 so it doesn't matter but important to remember)
96     audio("hello_world.ogg");
97     string s = "Hello, World!";
98     for(int i = 0; i < WORLD_WIDTH/s.length; i++) {
99       for(int j = 0; j < WORLD_HEIGHT; j++) {
100         queue(new FlashingTextEvent(uniform(0, 24).beat, float.infinity, Point(i*cast(int)s.length, j), randColor, randColor, randColor, randColor, s, 4.beat));
101       }
102     }
103     for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
104       float a = (i*16).beat;
105       float b = a+(8.beat);
106       float c = b+(8.beat);
107       queue(new TranslationEvent(a, b, Vector(0, WORLD_HEIGHT/2), Vector(WORLD_WIDTH, WORLD_HEIGHT/2), easing!"easeInOutBack"));
108       queue(new TranslationEvent(b, c, Vector(WORLD_WIDTH, WORLD_HEIGHT/2), Vector(0, WORLD_HEIGHT/2), easing!"easeInOutBack"));
109       queue(new ZoomEvent(a, b, 2, 4, easing!"easeInBack"));
110       queue(new ZoomEvent(b, c, 4, 2, easing!"easeOutBack"));
111     }
112   }
113 }
115 version(ImageExample) {
116   mixin Texit!("qbicfeet_10x10.png", 10, 2, 64, 32, 64, 32, "Image Example");
118   void setup() {
120   }
121 }